Where can I access my subscription?
If you do have an account, you can access it through this little guy at the top right corner:
(Mobile users - use the "burger" menu in the top left, the three horizontal lines. Then click "Log In" at the bottom.)
...and then, you can view your subscriptions under you account details over here:
How can I edit my subscription?
To pause or cancel your subscription, use one of the big orange / red buttons that say exactly that!
You can also change your address and payment information on the same page.
Re-scheduling payments
There are two things you need to be aware of when doing this:
1. You can only re-schedule one payment at a time.
This means that you have to go through your upcoming deliveries one-by-one and re-schedule each one. Apologies about the hassle, this is a limitation of the system I am using! This only takes a minute, though, and there's a convenient calendar that pops up for you to use:
2. Make sure you don't create any over-lapping deliveries!
The system is quite simple: when one of your scheduled payments comes through, an order gets created in my orders list, just like any other regular store purchase. Therefore, you should only have one delivery per season, unless you want to receive duplicates of the same seasonal box.
If you are re-scheduling your payments, make sure there is only one payment for each season:
Spring: March 1st - May 31st;
Summer: June 1st - August 31st;
Autumn: September 1st - November 30th;
Winter: December 1st - February 28th/29th.
Also, don't forget that your first payment goes through as soon as you subscribe, so you don't need to worry about your first box being in this schedule - this list only shows upcoming deliveries!
And that's it!
If you have any questions, or run into any errors, please let me know via the contact page and I'll do my best to help!